Azul Music Organizer

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Download Azul Music Organizer

The Latest Version

The latest version of Azul is 0.2.1.

What You Should Know

Azul is in a very early stage. Although, Azul is already useful for sorting most music and is pretty stable, it still has not been thoroughly tested and may malfunction. We have taken great effort to protect your files but we cannot ensure that your files will not be eaten. You have been warned.

Azul is currently runs properly only on Linux. You can download and run it in on Windows but you will only be able to use a subset of its features. We definitely intend to support Windows, however, and hope to add support before long.

Before you download, know that Azul depends on a variety of libraries to properly analyze your music. You will probably need to install some additional dependencies, some of which are included. Namely, Azul requires: PyQt, mutagen, and MusicBrainz2.

To get started with Azul, from a console in the azul-0.2.1 directory type:


This will let you know what you are missing. If you are missing MusicBrainz2, which you likely are, run:
python install

from the python-musicbrainz2 folder included with Azul. Follow the instructions for any other library which is missing.

Once you have the required dependencies installed, you can run Azul by typing:


from the console or clicking on "" in the azul-0.2.1 directory.

To start sorting some music, update the path to your music in the configuration dialogue. The paths are as follows:

Base Directory: The folder under which everything is contained, including your sorted and unsorted music.
Rejects Path: Music that Azul tried and was unable to sort.
Deletes Path: Files that were found to be extraneous, including essentially anything other than good audio files.
Sorted Path : The location for your sorted music.
To Scan Path: The location of the music that Azul should sort.

Note that currently, all folders must be under the Base Directory and at the same level as each other. A standard Azul configuration often looks like:
Base Directory: /home/user/Music
Rejects Path: /home/user/Music/Rejects
Deletes Path: /home/user/Music/Deletes
Sorted Path : /home/user/Music/Sorted
To Scan Path: /home/user/Music/To Sort